Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today is all about my son

'Cause he is cute.

And has such funny things to say.

For those of you who follow me on Twitter (and you SHOULD if you don't, because don't we all need more excuses to stay glued to our computers?) this will be redundant.

But funny nonetheless.

Life with a two year old, is, as one would expect, unexpected most of the time.

For instance, this evening, Jonathan was gagging himself. With four fingers. With red eyes and making vomiting noises, he says "oh so funny Mommy!" Not really, son.

This afternoon when we got back from pre-school, he asked me for a nap and food in the same breath. In fact, what he said, verbatim, was "Jonathan want need food." Without waiting for me to respond, he asked, "Can Jonathan sleep now?" And I said yes, gave him a sippy of milk and he wandered into his bedroom and climbed into bed.

So I quickly changed his clothes (which I read is a good idea when they come back from school or play dates or the playground or whatnot...changing clothes and washing hands and faces keeps viruses from spreading) and he sucked down half a glass of milk and crawled into bed.


Sometimes life is easy.

On the other hand, when I could tell he was working on a diaper, and I asked him if he wanted to go to the potty, he said, clear as a bell, "No, I don't want to." And the same response when I asked him if he needed to have his diaper changed.

Weird to have to convince someone to have their dirty diaper changed. I mean, wouldn't you want a fresh clean diaper?

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